Friday, September 7, 2007

Video delayed due to school, etc.

I can't release the video about kiba-dock and a-w-n as soon as I expected since I just started school again and also there were a few things I discovered about a-w-n that require re-voiceovering, since what I said is now inaccurate.

Better late than inaccurate, I suppose! :D Expect something on Sunday or Monday, ok?

PS: I added a hit counter to the site, and that's made me realize how many visitors I have here. For instance, today I have had 51 unique visitors so far (though you who are reading this may make it higher ;) ) I get on average 68 unique visitors and 113 visits per day.

I consider that to be quite high, considering there's almost nothing on this site right now. I believe the majority of visitors come across this after googling something, and I hope to be more useful soon, with more videos! And all new visitors please see the archives, there are two videos posted so far.



christianpeso said...

Dude...Its Thursday! Wheres the video???

Christian Peso

Gavin said...

School is hard... Especially 11th grade...

christianpeso said...

I understand! Keep doing your thing and good luck in school! I'll be patient!

Christian Peso