I'm in college now, studying Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I still use linux on my laptop (on my desktop I play computer games so I'm forced to use XP).
My current Linux setup uses Compiz Fusion (of course), Docky, and the Global Menu Applet to emulate a sorta pseudo-mac look.
Since Compiz hasn't undergone any major visual changes I haven't really found it necessary to update this blog with anything. However, the underlying code is being restructured completely and ported to C++, which I consider a big step forward. As for me I still like coding in Python but I have a better understanding of how C++ style coding works so I could probably begin to read and tweak the Compiz code myself.
Anyway, the main reason I wanted to post this was to see how many people still visit this site or have it in their feeds. My Youtube account still seems pretty active and I've got a lot of subscribers, so I suppose a new video wouldn't go missed.
However, I'm not sure what to make a video about. I suppose I could make a presentation of my current setup, which I think is excellent for getting work done, or I could make a video showcasing my 30-second boot into Ubuntu Karmic.
If anyone's alive out there let me know in a comment, and give me your opinion about where I should go with FusionCast. Thanks :)
I'm alive. I think you should wait for Compiz++ to be stable and equivalent in features to Compiz and make a new video whenever it gets a new feature.
Alive, and do… wathever you want.
Here docky, gnome-do, NoTitle windows theme. I still have a panel because of notification area, but when docky can handle that, no panel anymore.
Alive; busily waiting patiently for new Compiz...
waiting for a faster compiz!!
How about a guide for those who'd like to ditch gnome/xfce/kde and just use fusion and emerald? I could use some tips on how to setup either awn/cairo-dock and conky now that I've gutted my system and have only compiz running after starting X. Also, I'm looking for alternatives to the standard desktop environment widgets that don't have a laundry list of dependencies.
Alive and waiting for something to happen for years...
Reading every post that comes off the line here.
could make a video to show what has already been ported to compiz++
Still following news from the Planet Compiz.
Still reading through Planet Compiz!
Don't apologize for having a life. The FOSS community can get cranky but ultimately you're giving us the gift of awesome software, for free. Most of us will wait patiently and sing your praises when Compiz++ is done.
Im Still here, would love some new videos :)
What about performance comparison agains Compiz and Compiz++ ?
This should make people interested.
Good luck in school, I graduated RPI in '06 and love your blog
You're going to RPI? That's pretty amazing! You know that racarr is studying there at the moment - you should see if you can find him.
On the development from, expect some news in maybe 2ish months.
Wow, I didn't realize that! I'll have to find him :)
By the way Sam, you've done a lot of great work on Compiz in the last months. Thanks for all the efforts.
I think a video comparing Compiz Fusion to Compiz++ might be helpful. I'm considering that.
I didn't know that Compiz was being ported from Python to C++ :-(.
Maybe it's an idea to make a video about this?
It could answer the following questions:
* When was this decision made?
* What is the reason for this decision?
(because KDE en GNOME are written in
* What is the status of the port?
* When will the port be completed?
* What benefits will it have?
* Can we expect new features? Some
Personally, I thought that the Compiz project was almost dead. A video about the development could show that it's fully alive!
Actually compiz was coded in C before, not Python.
Also, the best place to find this out is on Sam's blog:
He's already explained it.
Of course, a video comparing the performance might help, I suppose.
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