Sunday, July 29, 2007

This post should have been called "Episode III" :(

Well, it happened.

After the latest kdenlive update, video export has broken, so that the video is not synced properly. This means that, sadly, I will not be able to present episode III to you. I promise that I finished it. I worked a week on it. It was going to be good, informative, helpful even.

Sadly, I am going away tomorrow for all of August, and so even if there is a fix in a couple of days, I will not be around to try it out.

So all you subscribers can only sit tight, and wait and see what the NEXT few kdenlive updates bring. And I suppose all my work will have been for naught.


Anyway, I'm happy, I'm leaving for Austria to visit my girlfriend tomorrow! (well today actually, but that's 'cause it's 1 AM.)

/me tries to forget about the futile work he spent on it, then realizes that the "/me" tag only works on IRC.

ANYWAY, you can still catch updates on , and visit the OpenCompositing forums at . And if you want videos, you can search youtube, i'm sure there are other folks who actually can export videos who have already.

Also, say hi on fusioncast forums (see post below).

I'll probably be around the forums occasionally, and in September I'll see what I can do about kdenlive... as for today, there's no time left. I have to pack!

Friday, July 27, 2007

FusionCast Forums Launched!

Hello. I haven't written much, but I'm still here. Expect a new episode by Saturday evening :)

What is new, is I've started FusionCast Forums! I'm sure there will be next to nothing on it, but why not join and talk about stuff?

The link is

I'm having problems with the url, which may get fixed later, but for now you may have to add www. to the beginning of some links.

If you are reading this just after I've made it, the link may not work. Hold on, I'm still making it!

And don't forget to look on the forums, too.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Sorry about all the broken links!

Hello all, thanks for voting!

You might have tried to click on the links for the get-git script, only to find them broken! This is thanks to, which, though often good, is never perfect.

Luckily, fsckr on irc donated his domain to me for all my server needs! Thank you very much, once again.

Isthatall had donated a server already (for the videos) but it turns out it ran out of space after only about 140MB or so!

With my new server, I have about 300GB available. So no worries! And no more dead links!


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Episode II

UPDATED!! Some instructions were incorrect, due to Blogger mistaking comments for HTML. Please read again. Also, the get-git script link was fixed. Bear with any broken links, I am transitioning over to another server, thanks!

In this episode...
  1. A git howto!
  2. A get-git script howto!
  3. The first n00bs section, where we talk about compiz running (or not running) on Windows, as well as mention the benefits of using the Terminal!
  4. A demo, and instructions on how to install, the Screensaver Plugin!
  5. Tips section, including nvidia black window bug problems and Avant Window Navigator!
  6. The Plugin Idea of the Week!
I hope you enjoy it.

Notes for this episode...


The Compiz Fusion Git Repository
Click on a plugin, and look for the url on the resulting page.

Git commands:
  • git clone: create a new folder with the package
  • git pull: update an existing package.

  • git clone git://

Sequence to get a new plugin installed:
  • cd /home/[username]/compiz (assuming that's the compiz fusion gitweb folder)
  • git clone git://
  • ls
  • If the result of ls contains "", run:
    • ./
    • make
    • sudo make install
  • Otherwise, run:
    • make
    • make install

Sequence to update:
  • cd /home/[username]/compiz/[plugin]
  • git pull
  • (add the rest of the commands above, starting with ls)


To install via Get-Git:
  • Follow the instructions in Step 1 here: Fyda's Forum Post.
  • Download either the original version here, or the updated version here (updated just includes fyda's addon and the extra repositories I use).
    • If you are using the updated version, run the command:
    • sudo apt-get install x11proto-scrnsaver-dev libxss-dev (to get screensaver to work)
  • Create a new folder called compiz. Then place the downloaded get-git file inside.
  • Open up the get-git file with Text Editor.
  • Read the top lines, and follow the instructions on the comments. If you use the updated one, you shouldn't have to do anything, if you are running Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, or another gnome-based install.
  • To add another plugin package, use this syntax:
    • ITEMS="$ITEMS users/crdlb/...."
  • Save the file, and close it.
  • run:
    • cd compiz
    • ./get-git
  • Wait for all packages to download and install. Enter your password when prompted.
  • Start compiz with the command fusion-icon, or open it from Applications>System Tools>Compiz Fusion Icon.


If you used the script above, then do nothing. You have it already!

Otherwise, run the commands:
  • sudo apt-get install x11proto-scrnsaver-dev libxss-dev
  • cd compiz
  • git clone git://
  • cd screensaver
  • make
  • sudo make install


To install, run these commands:
  • sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
    • Add this to the end of the file:
    • ## Avant Window Navigator
    • deb feisty avant-window-navigator
    • deb-src feisty avant-window-navigator
    • save, close.
  • wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator-svn
To get reflections and 3d effect, run the command gconf-editor and navigate to the />avant-window-navigator>bar folder. Then change bar_angle to 45, and icon_offset to 15. Restart AWN.

EDIT: Thanks to a comment, we've found a better way to add launchers.
To add launchers, don't use the dialogue with the "add" button, since the add button is broken. Instead, drag stuff directly from your Applications folder into AWN.


Click here.

Find the original AVI file here.

Please email me at fusioncast at gmail dot com!
I am on IRC frequently under the nick of gavintlgold.
Also, comment by clicking on the link below.
Search the forums first if you have a problem!

If you enjoy this, please digg it (see the digg button in the sidebar).

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

For Your Viewing Pleasure...

On IRC, we decided to open as many windows as possible with loose-binding enabled without it getting the black window bug.

This is the limit (the screenshot window was black). 65 windows, with 256MB VRAM

SUPERB news!

I have my audio working perfectly now. Sadly, I have to say that Jokosher does no longer work. This, however, is just until the small bug is fixed. Although I have to say, Audacity is much more stable :)

So from now on, my casts will by MUCH better, with no popping between audio segments.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Page Design: Before and After

I changed the look around a bit ;)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

MPEG links added + header

I just added a header and a link to the original mpeg file of episode one. Thanks to isthatall for the free hosting!

Take a look to the top right...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Episode I

First off, I want to apologize for the bad audio. It's very hard to record audio under linux, and I'm using the best free software available to users to do it. It will continue to improve over time. :)

In this first episode, I review a few plugins, new and old:

  • Enhanced Zoom
  • Negative
  • Color Filter

Then, I let you know how to install compiz fusion, via either Trevinho's repository or gitweb.

Here are the instructions I talk about in the video. They are generally for Feisty Fawn users, but can be adjusted to fit others' needs:

  • Paste the following two lines into your /etc/apt/sources.list file. Open the file by running the command sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
    • deb feisty eyecandy
    • deb-src feisty eyecandy
  • Save the file, then close. Type:
    • wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -
  • run sudo apt-get update
  • run sudo apt-get upgrade
  • Open up Synaptic Package Manager (System>Administration) and search for compiz fusion.
  • select for installation:
    • compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, compiz-fusion-plugins-main, compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported, compizconfig-settings-manager, emerald, emerald-themes
  • Install them. If you get an error, click apply again. It should resolve itself. If not, head to IRC.
  • Go this page and locate the fusion-icon .deb package that ends with i386. Download and install it. This will give you fusion-icon, the starter panel applet.
  • Install it.
  • Run fusion-icon (applications>system tools>Compiz Fusion Icon)
  • Compiz Fusion should be up and running now!
  • Check out Getting Started with Compiz Fusion, a video I made which helps you get configured correctly once you install and launch compiz fusion.
  • Any problems, please go on IRC (as explained in the video).
  • Have fun!
After that how to, I show you how to log in to #compiz-fusion on IRC if you're having problems. IRC is a form of instant messaging.

Finally, I show you how the Colorfilter plugin works!

I hope you enjoy this episode. I look forward to continuing with these video casts.

compiz fusion

Find the original MPEG file here.

Please email me at fusioncast at gmail dot com!
I am on IRC frequently under the nick of gavintlgold.
Also, comment by clicking on the link below.

Friday, July 13, 2007

FusionCast: Possibly a new Videocast about Compiz Fusion

I might start the FusionCast: a videocast featuring the best from Compiz Fusion. It may even be a part of SmSpillaz's blog, as well :)

Subscribe for an update on this... We'll see what happens!